Rajský Dvor Kláštor Kapucínov

ASISI Gallery

A new space for visual art with values

Paradise Court Capuchin Monastery

Current Exhibition



Miroslav Sandanus

The exhibition of Miro Sandanus's works titled BALANCE opens a topic close to a wide audience. The effort to find the right balance between living and survival, between the demands in an individual's life and the survival of the planet.

About Gallery

In the authentic space of Paradise Court, in the middle of the Capuchin Monastery at Mariánske Square in Žilina, ASISI Gallery was established. In this new space, history, spirituality and art meet in mutual dialogue.

"The significance of the Garden of Eden was aptly described by William Durand in the 13th century in his work Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. He depicts it as a space for contemplation, where the soul bends inward, settles after distancing itself from material thoughts, and reflects on spiritual riches."

- Michal Sočuvka, Founder

Gallery Interior
Gallery Interior
Gallery Interior
Gallery Interior


Mariánske Square 23, Žilina

Mariánske námestie 23
010 01 Žilina

Opening Hours

Tuesday-Saturday, 15:00-19:00

Public Transport

Train: Žilina Main Station (10 min. walk)


Contact Information


+421 905 467 747